The Pytest hooks

One of the many useful features of pytest is its easy extensibility. The pytest documentation has a full description of Working with non-python tests on which this C unit test extension is heavily based.

At its simplest, pytest supports the creation of hooks in a file called that can be placed in the root folder where we wish to run the tests. This allows us to define, in Python, code to find test files, run them, and collect the results. The nice thing about this is that we can create a hook layer between pytest and the C unit tests without changing code in either one.

The file is actually a per-directory file, so we can have different files for different test directories if required.

The file

First let’s look at the C unit test in its entirety:

import subprocess
import pytest
import os

def pytest_collect_file(parent, path):
    A hook into py.test to collect test_*.c test files.

    if path.ext == ".c" and path.basename.startswith("test_"):
        return CTestFile(path, parent)

class CTestFile(pytest.File):
    A custom file handler class for C unit test files.


    def collect(self):
        Overridden collect method to collect the results from each
        C unit test executable.

        # Run the exe that corresponds to the .c file and capture the output.
        test_exe = os.path.splitext(str(self.fspath))[0]
        test_output = subprocess.check_output(test_exe)

        # Clean up the unit test output and remove non test data lines.
        lines = test_output.decode().split("\n")
        lines = [line.strip() for line in lines]
        lines = [line for line in lines if line.startswith("[")]

        # Extract the test metadata from the unit test output.
        test_results = []
        for line in lines:
            token, data = line.split(" ", 1)
            token = token[1:-1]

            if token in ("PASS", "FAIL"):
                file_name, function_name, line_number = data.split(":")
                test_results.append({"condition": token,
                                     "file_name": file_name,
                                     "function_name": function_name,
                                     "line_number": int(line_number),
                                     "EXP": 'EXP(no data found)',
                                     "GOT": 'GOT(no data found)',
                                     "TST": 'TST(no data found)',
            elif token in ("EXP", "GOT", "TST"):
                test_results[-1][token] = data

        for test_result in test_results:
            yield CTestItem(test_result["function_name"], self, test_result)

class CTestItem(pytest.Item):
    Pytest.Item subclass to handle each test result item. There may be
    more than one test result from a test function.


    def __init__(self, name, parent, test_result):
        """Overridden constructor to pass test results dict."""
        super(CTestItem, self).__init__(name, parent)
        self.test_result = test_result

    def runtest(self):
        """The test has already been run. We just evaluate the result."""
        if self.test_result["condition"] == "FAIL":
            raise CTestException(self,

    def repr_failure(self, exception):
        Called when runtest() raises an exception. The method is used
        to format the output of the failed test result.

        if isinstance(exception.value, CTestException):
            return ("Test failed : {TST} at {file_name}:{line_number}\n"
                    "         got: {GOT}\n"
                    "    expected: {EXP}\n".format(**self.test_result))

    def reportinfo(self):
        """"Called to display header information about the test case."""
        return self.fspath, self.test_result["line_number"] - 1,

class CTestException(Exception):
    """Custom exception to distinguish C unit test failures from others."""

This is less than 100 lines of Python, including comments, but it provides a lot of functionality.

If you would like to see this functionality in use then move on to Running the Tests.

If you are interested in seeing how this functionality is implemented, and how you could extend pytest for similar tests then read on below and we will see how the code works.

Running the Tests or the Gory Details. Choose your own adventure!

Finding test files

The first function in the code is a pytest hook function called pytest_collect_file():

def pytest_collect_file(parent, path):
    if path.ext == ".c" and path.basename.startswith("test_"):
        return CTestFile(path, parent)

This collects files based on any rule that we wish to write. In this case it collects files that look like test_*.c but we could make the rule as specific as we wanted.

Once a file of the correct type is found a pytest.Node object of the corresponding type is created and returned. In our case this is a CTestFile object which is derived from the pytest.File class.

The CTestFile Class

The CTestFile object that we instantiated in the pytest_collect_file() hook inherits from the pytest.File class which in turn inherits from pytest.Collection and pytest.Node. The Node class and its subclasses have a collect() method which returns pytest.Items objects:

class CTestFile(pytest.File):

    def collect(self):
        # Returns pytest.Items.

The pytest hierarchy and methods are explained in more detail in the Working with plugins and conftest files section of the Pytest documentation.

Depending on the types of tests that are being run the collected items might be individual test results or even test cases that are being staged to run.

However, in our case we are going to take a simplified approach that lends itself to statically compiled test cases such as C unit tests:

  • For each test_something.c file assume there is a test_something executable.
  • Run the test_something executable and capture the output.
  • Parse the Pass/Fail results and any available metadata.
  • Return each test results as a python dict with information that can be used for reporting.

Collecting the C unit test data

So with this methodology in mind the first step is to run the collected C unit tests and capture the output.

As stated above we are going to assume that the C unit tests are structured so that for each test_something.c source file there is a test_something executable. This is a reasonable assumption based on the way most test suites are laid out but it may not hold for specific implementations where, for example, multiple .c files might be compiled to object files and linked into a single test runner executable. For cases like that more a sophisticated pytest_collect_file() implementation can be used.

We are also going to assume, again reasonably, that the unit test executables are tied into a build system and have already been built via make, make test or something similar.

In the following code runs the executable that corresponds to the .c file and captures the output:

def collect(self):

    test_exe = os.path.splitext(str(self.fspath))[0]
    test_output = subprocess.check_output(test_exe)

A more robust implementation would probably confirm the existence of the executable and return a fail condition if it wasn’t present.

Extracting the test data

This section of the code shows the main functionality that converts the output of the test cases into a format that can be used by pytest. If you are using this document as a guide to running your own tests then this section is the part that you will have to modify to conform to your test output.

In our sample unit test the captured output will look something like the following:

[PASS] test_basic_strings.c:test_some_strings():8

[FAIL] test_basic_strings.c:test_some_strings():9
  [TST] ASSERT_EQUAL_STR(foo, bar)
  [EXP] This is foo
  [GOT] This is bar

We clean up the unit test output and remove non test data lines as follows:

lines = test_output.split("\n")
lines = [line.strip() for line in lines]
lines = [line for line in lines if line.startswith("[")]

We then extract the test metadata from the reformatted test output:

test_results = []
for line in lines:
    token, data = line.split(" ", 1)
    token = token[1:-1]

    if token in ("PASS", "FAIL"):
        file_name, function_name, line_number = data.split(":")
        test_results.append({"condition": token,
                             "file_name": file_name,
                             "function_name": function_name,
                             "line_number": int(line_number),
                             "EXP": 'EXP(no data found)',
                             "GOT": 'GOT(no data found)',
                             "TST": 'TST(no data found)',
    elif token in ("EXP", "GOT", "TST"):
        test_results[-1][token] = data

Once this is complete we should end up with a collection of data structures like the following:

{'condition':     'FAIL',
 'file_name':     'test_basic_strings.c',
 'function_name': 'test_some_strings()',
 'TST':           'ASSERT_EQUAL_STR(foo, bar)',
 'EXP':           'This is foo',
 'GOT':           'This is bar',
 'line_number':   9 }

These results are then returned as a pytest.Item:

for test_result in test_results:
    yield CTestItem(test_result["function_name"], self, test_result)

Note, it isn’t essential that we capture all of the information shown above. None of it is strictly required by pytest apart from the test function name. The idea here is that we try to capture any usefule information that we want to display in the testrunner output. In the next section we will see how we can format and display that information.

Formatting the test report

The pytest.Item that we return in the previous step is an instance of a subclass so that we can control the test result formatting. We also override the constructor so that we can pass the test result data structure as an additional parameter:

class CTestItem(pytest.Item):

    def __init__(self, name, parent, test_result):
        super(CTestItem, self).__init__(name, parent)
        self.test_result = test_result

To control the test result reporting and formatting we have to override three pytest.Item methods: runtest(), repr_failure() and reportinfo().

In our case, the runtest() method isn’t actually used to run a test since we already did that in the collect() method of our CTestFile class. Instead we just check for FAIL results and throw an exception when we find one:

def runtest(self):
    if self.test_result["condition"] == "FAIL":
        raise CTestException(self,

We use a user defined exception class in order to distinguish it from other exceptions. The exception is then caught and handled in the repr_failure() method where we format the output for the failed test case:

def repr_failure(self, exception):
    if isinstance(exception.value, CTestException):
        return ("Test failed : {TST} at {file_name}:{line_number}\n"
                "         got: {GOT}\n"
                "    expected: {EXP}\n".format(**self.test_result))

Finally we provide one additional piece of information that will be used in verbose test display:

def reportinfo(self):
    return self.fspath, self.test_result["line_number"] - 1,

Achievement Unlocked

Congratulations. You made it to the end of the code and have unlocked the Adventurous badge.

Now let’s see how to we go about Running the Tests.